Other Ways
Contact the Advancement Team or call (781) 489-1377.
Wire Transfer
Contact Chief Advancement Officer Christie Baskett at (781) 489-1371 with any questions.
JP Morgan Chase
383 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10179
Dana Hall School Operating Account
Your child's name, or year of graduation and maiden name
Cyber criminals are hacking email accounts and sending messages with fake new bank information instructions. These messages are convincing and sophisticated. Always independently confirm wiring/banking instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted and verified phone number.
Stock/Securities Gifts
Dana Hall's Fidelity brokerage account information:
Fidelity Back Bay Investments
801 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02116
(800) 445-9448
Fidelity's DTC: 0226
Dana Hall's account number: 201918768
Dana Hall's Federal I.D.: 04-2103562
To help Dana Hall process your gift and send you the appropriate tax receipt, please contact the Dana Hall School Advancement Office directly via postal service (Dana Hall School, 45 Dana Rd., P.O. Box 9010 Wellesley, MA 02482-9010), telephone (781-489-1364), or email (giving@danahall.org) and provide the following information:
Name of the donor
Name of the stock to be transferred
Number of shares and/or approximate gift value
Gift designation (Dana Fund, Capital Gift)
Please have your broker notify Linda Lull at (781) 489-1364 prior to transfer. The broker should inform Dana Hall of the name of the stock, the number of shares, and your name.
Gift Date and Valuation are determined per IRS regulations.
The official gift date is the date the shares arrive in the Dana Hall School account. The value of the stock is the average of the high and low per share (mean market value) on the date of gift.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine tax benefits while supporting Dana Hall. DAF Direct allows you to donate grants to the Dana Hall School easily and directly.
Donate a gift to Dana Hall School now through your donor advised fund using DAF Direct. Participating DAF Direct sponsors include Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable and BNY Mellon.
Contact Chief Advancement Officer Christie Baskett at (781) 489-1371 with any questions.
- Select your organization from the drop-down menu
- Input "Dana Hall School" into designation field
- Enter the gift amount
- Click next to complete your recommendation
- Dana Hall School's Federal ID: 042-103-562
Matching Gifts
Did you know you can double your support for Dana Hall School, without even giving a dollar more?
Many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage employees to contribute to non-profit organizations. These programs can allow you to double, or even triple, the value of your gift. Select companies match gifts made by partners/spouses or retirees as well.
Check to see if your company will match your gift
Once your gift has been made, obtain a matching gift form from your employer (the Human Resources department usually manages this activity). Complete and return this form to the Dana Hall Advancement Office. Please contact Sarah Dent at (781) 489-1361 with questions.
IRA Distribution
Dana Hall donors who have reached age 70.5 can take advantage of charitable IRA distributions each year. A direct transfer of up to $100,000 from an individual retirement account to Dana Hall does not incur federal income tax and can be counted toward an individual's Required Minimum Distribution each year. These gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction.
Contact Chief Advancement Officer Christie Baskett at (781) 489-1371 with any questions.