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Community Impact + Acceleration

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Fast-Tracking Improvements

Many of the transformative investments of the Fearless Futures campaign will be realized over the course of years, or even decades, as our new Sisters Field and renewed Classroom Building transform the athletic and academic experience on campus. But we are also firmly focused on the students—and the student experience—of today.

Contributions made to support Community Impact & Acceleration will dramatically and immediately enhance the quality of community life and our students’ ability to engage with it fully.

Your support will help develop initiatives that enrich the bonds between every member of our community, and especially help to foster greater access and equity. 

From new transportation methods to programs that enhance the weekend experience for boarding students (and encourage the participation of day students, too), we are investing in experiences and opportunities that will make a positive impact on the fabric, quality, and connectedness of the Dana Hall community.

What does impact and acceleration look like?

  • Diversifying our student body and faculty 
  • Strengthening our boarding program and increasing participation
  • Supporting new pilot initiatives, such as the creation of a summer program that introduces 7th and 8th graders to the boarding school experience
  • Integrating social justice principles into our curriculum

Put your dollars to work immediately.

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